CureBooth is a Patient centric engagement platform enabling continuous patient care through seamless connectivity. Patients can connect with their regular doctors through calls/chat, while doctors can regulate the access and appropriately charge for their services. Also, patients can search for other local doctors with recommendation for consultation.
CureBooth helps Doctors to better engage with existing patients and grow their practice by consulting local patients through CureBooth. CureBooth is designed to complement your existing practice and get more patients to your clinic. A dedicated CureBooth phone number is assigned to the doctor for consultation without the need of sharing personal number.
Please note that although CureBooth can be implemented by any doctor to connect with his / her patients.
Key functionalities offered:
For Patients:
1. Establish connection with your trusted doctors for calls / chats
2. View information of other doctors in your area and connect with them
3. View/Receive notification on doctor’s availability/charges and make calls
4. Get immediate notifications on activities related to you on CureBooth for better experience
6. Become a priority patient and call the doctor even in offline mode
7. Send and receive text messages/ media with your doctor
8. Pay online to get health credits for making calls to doctor
9. Get registered through the doctor/admin, pay cash at the clinic and get health credits
10. View your health credit history and get notified of outstanding balance
11. Recommend the doctor to your friends & family and share your experience on social media
Please contact your healthcare provider if you aren’t certain whether or not their practice is connected with CureBooth
For Doctors:
1. Improve your patient reach by putting your professional information on the platform
2. Connect and engage with your existing patients
3. Grow your practice by consulting local patients enabled by CureBooth
4. Add patients directly (from clinic) using their phone numbers
5. Get calls from patients on your mobile with a dedicated CureBooth phone number and
appropriately charge them based on your customized settings
6. Change patient/call settings to regulate calls
7. Get notifications on activities related to you on CureBooth to facilitate consultation and patient engagement
8. Send and receive text messages/ media with your patients
9. Pay online to get health credits and transfer it to patient’s account (without smart phones) after accepting cash from them
10. Get health credits transferred to your bank account
11. View your health credit history and get notified on outstanding balance
12. Get weekly detailed billing summary on your mail and other transaction details
13. Broadcast message to all connected patients about your leave plans, address change, new services in clinic etc